Sasak is my language, culture and people in lombok

I am Sasak person my name is roni was born on 1989 ,as long as my life in kembang kuning village near tetebatu village on lombok island .i grow up in Sasak language , culture and Islam realigion.
In my family culture everybody have to close each other ,everyboys in my family can't leave the  parents because i have to care back my parents as long their life when they are getting old .
I am living in 23 families so our house is so close each house ,most people in my families are farmer as me also .
We start early morning after pray, work in Rice field  around 06:30 in morning and back home at 04:30 everyday 
At Sasak families really like to keep roster,duck ,chicken,cat , and dogs but every animals are free they just back home in afternoon around 06:00 and then they start at 07:00 in morning to going around the village. 
On my life way i got learn about tourism development in tetebatu on 2008-2018 ,then i got idea make a homestay nearby my Sasak families village to create new experience for someone who want getting touch by Sasak life .
I got a name Alsaski homestay 
It has 2 room between the kampung (small village) and rice field. It,s far way from main road felling so Quite from scooter.
I open foods and drinks for someone whos stay at my homestay by fresh food because fresh vegetable, and fruit
When you come you Will start come to my small Sasak kampung walk away in corner of  my families house ,every children,adult old people Will say hello when you walk on Sasak kampung  by sweet smile and friendly of Sasak families.
This combine nature , culture,and religion
The real life of Sasak families you can find it here.


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